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Make out with a girl-sniper her capture her hold her grasp her.If you've ever seen a guy in a bar walk up to a girl he didn't know and make out with her almost immediately, it can be a completely mind-blowing experience.
The first step is to realize that about 90% of the difference between someone who's really good with women and someone who's not so good or mediocre with women, is the ability to spot a woman who's ready to make out.

If you walk into a bar and go up to any woman without knowing what signs to look for, your odds of success go way down.

You must know how to spot that woman who's already in this "make-out ready" state, so you can walk up and be "that guy."

Don't buy into the myth that women don't want this to happen.

Women are as sexual (if not more sexual) than guys are. There are a few excellent indicators that will (especially in a bar atmosphere) tell you if a woman is game, or ready for an instant make-out session.

The first indicator is a woman looking down often. When a woman looks down often, she is accessing her emotions.

When we look in different directions, we access different parts of our brain. These are called "Eye Accessing Cues." When a woman is in a bar setting and looking down, she's accessing her emotional brain.

This gives you the ability to walk up and be the dominant man.

So instead, if you see a woman who is in a conversation but she's constantly looking around and trying to make eye contact with a lot of people, this is probably a very, very likely opportunity for you and that's a woman you can walk up to and immediately become sexual with.

It's less likely that a woman standing like this is going to be available for you to walk up and dominate. This kind of women is looking for attention - not for someone to dominate them. Somewhere between wearing sweatpants with an elastic waistband to the bar and done up really, really beautiful and sexy with a really low-cut shirt. A lot of women who are on vacation fall into this realm. Next, right after you get that done and you've seen your girl (there are probably three or four of these girls in a bar at any given moment) you're going to walk up and start the scary part.

You're controlling what they experience. Here's what I would say, word-for-word... Walk up to a girl, when you get up to her and right when she makes eye contact with you, I want you to SLOWLY put your finger up by your lips and say this, "Shhh…"

Then slow your speech pattern down and deepen your vocal tonality. I suggest using a bit of NLP here. So if I said, "Don't try to make out with me," or "Don't make out with me right now," girls are going to be consciously hearing, "Don't make out with me," but their subconscious minds will be hearing, "Make out with me right now!"

Don't try to seduce women who don't want to be seduced. My typical is "Don't worry... right now." You're leaning in ever... so... slowly. At the same time, you're looking from her eyes down to her lips and back up to her eyes again.

This is called "Triangulating." Count to three looking at her eyes, then look down to her lips and count to two, look back up and count to three, look down and count to two... etc. Signs That It's Working

This resets the meter in her mind, so to speak. It's a strange loop-hole in psychology.

When someone turns away then turns back, we give them another chance moving forward. So if you're getting some resistance, turn around, turn back, smile, and continue. In a loud environment like a bar, you'll want to speak louder, but don't raise your voice. I promise I won't tell anybody only if you promise that you won't tell anybody either."

So I'm sort of breathing out a little bit more than normal as I'm speaking so she can feel that hot air on her neck.

This usually gets a very visceral, deep, sexual response from women when you do this.

Practice It

Whenever you see a girl who's in that state and ready to be seduced, if you beat around the bush, engage in small talk or generally waste time, she'll be turned off and you've lost a golden seduction opportunity. www.thetaoofbadass.com